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Voice Recognition

Principal's Message

Welcome to Sedona Red Rock Junior High School! Please allow me to brag a little bit about our school. We were founded in 2016 when the Sedona District decided to restructure the two Elementary schools to K-6 schools, consolidating the 7th and 8th grades in one building here on the campus of SRRHS. This decision facilitated an expansion of course offerings, extracurricular opportunities and community cohesiveness.

Since we have access to special area teachers from the adjoining high school, our students can take classes in Orchestra, Theater Arts, Speech, Graphic Arts, PE, Microsoft Office, Spanish and Robotics. Struggling students are provided extra help in mathematics in a daily Math Intervention course. These are in addition to the core courses of English Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science. Qualified Eighth Grade students also have the opportunity to earn high school credit in Spanish, Algebra and Orchestra.

A school is more than its courses, and we are proud to offer a variety of extra curricular activities as well. Students can participate in clubs, such as Student Council, Builders’ Club, National Junior Honors Society Yearbook and Chess. We field competitive teams in tackle football, volleyball, cross-country, boys’ and girls’ basketball, track and field, softball, baseball and coed soccer. After school tutoring is offered twice weekly and athletes can get tutoring help prior to sports practice.

You will find that despite our variety of offerings, we are at heart a small school. Everyone on staff knows each student and is vested in his or her success. Our students know and support each other. The 7th and 8th grade are mixed in all classrooms excepting math, reducing any possibility of tension between grade levels. The staff and I are firmly dedicated to the belief that school safety and climate are the foundation of a student’s educational success. We also understand that every student comes to school every day wanting to succeed. We are here to make that happen.

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