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Voice Recognition



Hello Sedona-Oak Creek School District Families,

On Monday, March 30, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman announced that school closures and remote learning would continue through the end of the school year.  This extension follows the most updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

What this means to SOCUSD students:

The last day of school will continue to be Friday, May 22, 2020.  

Students completing the work assigned (online and/or paper packets) will continue to work toward completing required content standards for promotion to the next academic year or graduation.

Teachers will continue to provide lessons/assignments and direct support to students.  Grades will be updated regularly in PowerSchool.

Special Educators and related service providers will continue to work remotely to support the learning needs of their students.  IEP and MET meetings will continue as scheduled, whenever possible, through conference call or video conferencing.

Summer school will be offered FREE of charge to all students.  (We are in the process of planning summer school and will have those details soon.)

There will not be additional AZELLA, AzM2, or AIMS testing for this school year.

College Board has announced modified, online AP Exams for those students in AP classes.  They will post more information about those exams on April 3. Students who have already paid for the exams will be eligible for a refund if they do not want to take the exam.  Contact Mrs. DeWitt at (928) 204-6836 or [email protected].

SOCUSD will continue to provide meals for community children and school offices will remain open with modified hours to support students and parents. The Sedona Red Rock Jr-Sr High main office phone number is (928) 204-6700.  The West Sedona Elementary main office number is (928) 204-6600.

We encourage ongoing communication with your student's teachers to ensure continuity in learning and completion of courses in progress.  Staff contact links are below.  

West Sedona Elementary Staff Contact List

Sedona Red Rock Jr-Sr High Staff Contact List  

Thank you for your continuing partnership in supporting student wellness and learning,

Dennis Dearden, Superintendent

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