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Voice Recognition

Site Council

Scorpion Site Council

The SRRHS Site Council is a 23-member body of parents, students, staff, and community members. Our group consist of:

SRRHS Principal
7 Parents of SRRHS students
7 SRRHS staff members
7 SRRHS students (one from each class)
2 community members

The Site Council is a group of committed parents, staff, students, and community members who serve as an advisory board to the Principal and are a communication link to the community. The Site Council is committed to the long-range planning of our school and short-term issues as they impact our long-term goals. We have By-Laws that govern the organization and its operation. The By-Laws are available for your review in the school business office.

The work of the Site Council:
Maintain the communications bridge between parents, community, governing board, and SRRHS.
Review, advise, and recommend programs that support and strengthen the school's goals.
Empower subcommittees to help with the work of the Council.
Provide diversity and continuity of representation of the Council.

The Site Council does not: 
Exceed the authority of the Principal.
Become involved in the day to day operations of the school or deal with issues of personnel evaluation, individual students, teachers, or legal contracts.

Contact Sabra Sanzotta to be added to the email list for minutes, agendas, and upcoming meetings: email link.


For more information, contact:
Site Council Chair:
Sabra Sanzotta
Phone: 313-759-9483
© 2025. Sedona-Oak Creek Unified School District 9. All Rights Reserved.