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Voice Recognition

Strategic Plan 2024-2027

Key Strategic Priority 1: High Student Achievement

Priority #1: High Student Achievement (Instruction)

Learner-focused instruction meets the needs of our diverse student population and aligns to the district’s professional development system and accreditation standards for growth in learning

Overarching Goal/Purpose:  Develop and/or sustain a strong educational program to maximize the academic growth and personal achievement of every student

Objectives:  (Commitments)

1.1  Understand the educational, social, emotional, and physical needs of all students

1.2  Nurture connection between home and school

1.3  Support early childhood education programs

1.4  Design and deliver consistent, relevant, and rigorous curriculum in every subject in every grade level

1.5  Enhance and sustain enrichment opportunities for diversity in learning

1.6  Create a success-oriented school culture that includes both college-preparatory and career-direct options

Key Strategic Priority 2: Positive, Safe and Healthy Environment

Priority #2: Positive, Safe and Healthy Environment (Learning Environment)

culture for nurturing learning and teaching by anticipating and meeting underlying needs is foundational for enabling students to thrive.  

Overarching Goal/Purpose:  Sustain a positive culture throughout the District in order to promote social, emotional and physical safety and a healthy environment.


2.1  Cultivate and maintain a positive school culture for students, staff, and stakeholders.    (social, emotional culture)        

2.2  Ensure safe physical environments at every campus with systemic procedures, training, and monitoring.    (safety systems)        

2.3  Promote a healthy organizational environment through wellness programs & partnerships.    (student & personnel wellness)   

Key Strategic Priority 3: Highly Performing and Supported Staff

Priority #3: Highly Performing and Supported Staff (Employees) 

The accomplished and skillful faculty and support essential for engagement in learning are attracted, supported, and honored through systematized professional learning opportunities and time allocated for collegial engagement toward continuous improvement.

Overarching Goal/Purpose: Promote continuing staff excellence and support their needs to ensure academic success for all students


3.1  Recruit and retain highly effective personnel  

3.2  Provide for a positive and collaborative work environment

3.3  Systematize relevant and targeted professional development opportunities

3.4  Sustain mentorship and cultivate shared leadership opportunities

Key Strategic Priority 4: Effective Communication

Priority #4: Effective Communication (Community Engagement)

Leadership of learning relies on interpersonal, organizational, and inter-agency shared goals, informed participants, and an engaged community. 

Overarching Goal/Purpose:  Develop and/or Sustain effective communication systems that ensure operational efficiency, stakeholder involvement and satisfaction, and positive public perception of district educational programs 


4.1  Systematize internal communications to support district cohesion, efficiency, and culture of shared values    (information)

4.2  Systematize and enhance external communications to promote stakeholder participation and satisfaction    (participation)

4.3  Cultivate student-oriented community partnerships    (partnership)

4.4  Promote district pride through formal and informal marketing communications    (PR)

Key Strategic Priority 5: Effective Use of Resources

Priority #5: Effective Use of Resources (Organization)

Directing material and human resources to optimize student learning and employee effectiveness is imperative to the leadership of learning.

Overarching Goal/Purpose:  Increase operational efficiency and district funding resources 


5.1  Maximize use, efficiency, and accountability for District physical facilities and academic resources

5.2  Manage human resources to maximize employee support, communication, productivity, and effectiveness      

5.3  Ensure District budget transparency, compliance, communication, and long-range planning         

5.4  Develop revenue sources in addition to state/federal funding

5.5  Prioritize services to support academic achievement

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