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Voice Recognition

SOCUSD Departments

SOCUSD Departments

Sedona-Oak Creek Unified School District takes pride in meeting the needs of our students, staff, and community members. In order to be successful, we have aligned our departments to meeting our Strategic Plan goals. 
Our Departments 
Athletics: Director Pedro Ortega
Communications: Director Jennifer Chilton 
Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessments: Director Karyl Goldsmith
Facilities & Operations: Director Jennifer Chilton
Human Resources & Finance: Director Stacy Saravo
Informational Technology: Director John Parks
Student Support Services: Director Deana Dewitt
Transportation: Director Vickie Gann 
  • Key Strategic Priority 1: High Student Achievement (Departments: Athletics, Curriculum & Instruction, Informational Technology, and Student Support Services)
    • GOAL 1 Develop a strong educational program to maximize the academic achievement and personal growth of every student. 
  • Key Strategic Priority 2: Positive, Safe and Healthy Environment (Departments: Athletics, Curriculum & Instruction, Student Support Services, Facilities & Operations, and Transportation)
    • GOAL 2 Develop a positive culture throughout the District in order to promote social, emotional and physical safety and a healthy environment.
  • Key Strategic Priority 3: Highly Performing & Supportive Staff (Departments: Human Resources & Finance, Facilities & Operations, and Informational Technology)
    • GOAL 3 Promote continuing staff excellence and support their needs to ensure academic success for all students.
  • Key Strategic Priority 4: Effective Communication (Departments: Communications, Human Resources & Finance, Facilities & Operations, and Informational Technology)
    • GOAL 4 Develop effective communication systems that ensure operational efficiency, stakeholder involvement and satisfaction, and positive public perception of district educational programs.
  • Key Strategic Priority 5: Effective Use of Resources (Departments: Human Resources & Finance and Facilities & Operations)
    • GOAL 5 Increase operational efficiency and district funding resources.
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