We are here to help every student at Sedona Red Rock Junior High & High School be successful. Below is a list of services that we provide. If you don't see something that you need, please reach out to us so we can assist. Go Scorpions!
- Career Counseling
- Class Guidance & Scheduling
- College & Career Support
- Confidential Personal Support
- Financial Aid Awareness & Assistance
- Graduation Requirements
- Referral Services for Individual Needs
- Scholarship Awareness & Assistance
- Summer School Planning
- Testing & Entrance Exams
- Transcript Requests
Contact Cindy Forsythe for grades 9-12, 928-204-6704.
Contact Marilyn Largen for grades 6-8, 928-204-6721.
Confidentiality Statement: We will respect the rights of confidentiality during the course of conversation between ourselves and students, except in the following cases: If the student is a danger to himself or herself, if the student is a danger to others, or if the student has been endangered by others. We are bound by Federal and State law to break confidentiality in these situations and will do so to protect our students and to remain legally and ethically true as mandatory reporters.